Brontë, Emily

Wuthering Heights / Emily Bronte - London : Penguin Books , 2012 - 384 p. ; 20 cm

Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange on the
bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at
Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord. There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before: of the intense passion between the foundling Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and her betrayal of him. // Lockwood, o novo inquilino de Thrushcross Grange nos
sombríos páramos de Yorkshire, vese obrigado a buscar refuxio unha noite ós Cumes Borrascosos, a casa do seu propietario. Alí descobre a historia dos tempestuosos acontecementos acontecidos anos antes: da intensa paixón entre o expósito Heathcliff e Catherine Earnshaw, e a súa traizón.

1º-2º BAC


Época victoriana


82-N ING

Coa tecnoloxía Koha